Behaviour & Culture Policies

Bushfire Policy

International Student Policies

School Wide Policies

Sports Policies

ELC Campus Policies

Junior Campus Policies

School Performance Report

As part of our funding agreement with the Commonwealth Government, we are required to ensure that certain “School Performance Information” is made available to the School community. Our current School Performance Report relates to the 2022 school year.

Click to view the School Performance Report 2022

WGEA Gender Pay Gap Report

WGEA Pay Gap Report – Employer Statement

St John’s Grammar School is committed to ensuring that remuneration and working conditions are fair and equitable for all staff. The Workforce Gender Equity Agency (WGEA) has published St John’s Grammar School’s gender pay gap (GPG) data, which can be accessed via the WGEA website.

Innovation: We develop enterprising learners, divergent thinkers and real world problem solvers who work collaboratively and practically to transform today and the future.