Year 12
St John's Grammar
Our Year 12s leave St John’s Grammar School ready to pursue further study, prepared for life beyond the classroom and confident to soar. With consistent, excellent academic results, our graduates are self-assured, compassionate and skilled, with the majority of our Year 12 students successful in achieving their first choice in tertiary study.
Whether they choose to pursue further study, volunteer overseas or go to work, St John’s Grammar students graduate ready to seek, strive and soar. Our graduates study around the world in diverse career areas, as well as at home in Adelaide, where we have fostered a strong partnership with Flinders University and Adelaide University, allowing many of our students to begin university studies while still at school.
Career education in Year 12 is personalised and targeted, with guest speakers from universities around Australia regularly visiting our School to present to students and parents. One-on-one career counselling ensures every student is fully prepared for life beyond the classroom so they can confidently soar beyond School.
Wellbeing remains a strong focus to ensure students can navigate their adult futures. These sessions include self-regulation, conflict management, study skills, respectful relationships, healthy living and making safe choices. Buddy programs with our younger students, House activities, retreats, and engaging in school life, all deepen these connections.
All students in the Senior School can access support for their learning and our subject teachers provide one-on-one subject specific support. We also have a tutoring service program facilitated by old scholars. A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program enables Years 7 to 12 students to bring a laptop of their choice for use on the School’s network.
Year 12 is a special year for St John’s Grammar School students, with events like the Retreat, Formal and Graduation celebrations being highlights on the calendar; and opportunities for leadership, mentoring and support giving our seniors the chance to gain lifelong skills to take into the world as they take flight on their journey into independence.
Life beyond Year 12
Year 12 students can study at tertiary level through Flinders and Adelaide Universities. This opportunity is not for all students due to the increased demand on students’ time with readings and assignments. It does, however, allow students to receive SACE credits for the subject they study and may be an interesting option for those students looking to advance themselves or branch out into areas of interest outside the Secondary School curriculum.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) and School-Based Apprenticeships are also options open to our Year 12 students as they navigate their pathway beyond school.
One-on-one career counselling ensures every student is fully prepared for life beyond the classroom and students have the opportunity to meet and listen to presentations from local and interstate universities and experienced employment providers.
Special Year 12 events
Year 12 students mark their year with several special events. These include the Year 12 Induction evening, Year 12 Retreat, where students embark on a leadership and team building retreat, the formal, and end of year celebrations including House farewells, Year 12 Graduation dinner, Valedictory celebration involving the whole Secondary Campus and fun events like Dress Up Day.
Leadership roles reach their conclusion mid-year
School Captaincy begins mid-way through Year 11 and finishes part way through Year 12 and offers rewarding position of leadership in their penultimate year of schooling. The roles available include School Captain and Vice Captain, students can nominate for several other roles such as House Captain, Wellbeing Ambassador, Sports Captain, Reconciliation Ambassador, AWARE Captain and International Student Captain. Similarly, a buddy program with the Middle School students, and a mentoring program at the Junior School offers alternative leadership opportunities connecting our younger students with our most Senior students.
Travel available in Year 12
Ski Trip
As a special trip reserved for Senior School students, the Ski Trip sees students travel interstate to Falls Creek. The five-day trip offers skiing or snowboarding during the day and a range of group activities during the evenings. The Ski Trip is an opportunity for students to bond and take some time for fun amidst their Year 12 studies.
Indonesian Language and Cultural Trip
Students studying Indonesian are eligible to attend the Indonesian Language and Cultural Trip. Spending three days with our sister school, MAN Insan Cendekia, allows students to experience all that Indonesian school life has to offer before exploring the city of Makassar and the various tourist destinations along the way. The trip concludes in Bali where students partake in Batik and offering making lessons as well as fun and adventure at Waterbom Park.
St John’s Grammar students typically choose four or five Stage 2 subjects in Year 12, which they study for the full year. They will also undertake the Research Project if they have not completed it previously in Year 11.
Year 12 is for many students the most rewarding of their schooling experience. Students demonstrate the comprehensive skills and knowledge they have developed in their years of schooling, studying subjects they care about and that lead to their chosen future study and career pathways.
To read more about the subjects on offer, read the curriculum information on our Senior School page.