Uniform at St John’s Grammar
St John’s Grammar has both a Uniform Centre for new uniforms located on the Secondary Campus, and a Second Hand Uniform Shop located at the Junior School.
St John’s Grammar School Uniform can be purchased online, via flexischools.com.au, or from the Uniform Centre, located at the Secondary Campus, via Gate 6, Price Avenue. Online orders can be collected from the Junior or Secondary Campus Reception areas.
The SJGS Uniform Guide provides an overview of each uniform worn from ELC through to Year 12.
The Student Uniform Guidelines and School Uniform Policy contain a list of items required and how they should be worn.
For uniform enquiries, please contact:
T: +61 8 8278 4636
E: uniforms@stjohns.sa.edu.au
School Uniform Centre
School Term Hours:
The Uniform Centre is located at the Secondary Campus, via Gate 6, Price Avenue, Belair and is open during the following times:
- Monday, 1 – 4:30pm
- Wednesday, 9.30 – 11am
- Thursday, 1 – 5pm
- Every second Saturday during school Terms from 9am – 12pm, from the first Saturday of each Term
School Holiday Hours:
If you require a uniform fitting during the school holidays, please book an appointment to avoid lengthy queues. Fittings are open at set times in the school holiday breaks. Please click here to view available days/times, and book a timeslot. Collection of Flexischools Orders will also be available from the Uniform Centre during this time – no appointment needed.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the Junior School St John’s Chapel, diagonally opposite the Sheoak Cafe. It is operated by the St John’s Grammar School Parents and Friends Association (P&F) and run on a commission basis. Gently-used uniforms are sold at approximately 50% of the ‘new’ price. P&F retains 20% of this amount as commission, and the rest is given to the relevant family. The money raised goes towards fundraising efforts for the School.
Second Hand Uniform Shop Bookings can be made here.
Term 1, 2025 Hours of Operation:
Thursday 13 February: 8 – 9am
Saturday 22 February: 8.30 – 10am
Saturday 1 March: 2 – 3:30pm
Friday 21 March: 8 – 9am
Saturday 5 April: TBC
If you wish to offer uniforms for sale, please complete this Uniform Deposit Form, and bring the items to either the Junior or Secondary Campus Reception areas.
Please email any questions to the secondhanduniforms@stjohns.sa.edu.au.