Our always popular Service of Lessons and Carols (or, informally, our ‘Carols in the Cathedral’) proved even more so this year, with the extended St John’s Grammar School community filling St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, to the brim – and even standing in the doorway to get a glimpse!
The fanfare of trumpets welcomed the performers into the Cathedral, heralding a wonderful evening of music and song, interspersed with readings from students and staff. Reminding us of lessons to be taught, learned, and shared with those around us, the service had plenty of room for enlightenment and the lifting of spirits as well.
In between the all-in traditional hymns that had the audience rising together in song, individual performers such as Zach C, Sunny Y, Kenya S, and Leila C took us down differently-textured paths, as did ensembles and groups such as the Year 12 Vocalists, our Parents & Friends Choir, and of course, the magnificent Combined Choir.
We were lucky enough to be treated to an amazing staff performance from Cinzia Cursaro, whose background in opera was obvious as she left us stunned with her jaw-dropping version of ‘Pie Jesu’, and the School was delighted to have Old Scholars Karmen Tang, Tommy Teubner and Young Young return to fill out our orchestra for the night, alongside our own Jack Strempel on piano, and Marco Callisto on organ.
The musicians in the orchestra were hidden in shadow compared to the limelight provided for the singers, but what amazing talent shone from the darkness! The columns towering above thrummed with the musical richness rising from the floor. We could sing about it for hours…
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this joyful evening… this was a whole community event, with staff, students, siblings, parents, and friends all coming out to assist, perform, and take part.
If you missed out, mark it on your calendar now so you see what all the fuss is about next year!