Nominations for the 2025 Summer Sport season have closed.
To make a late nomination please contact the Junior School Coordinator of Physical Education & Sport, Charlie Zammit and Sports Administrator, Michael Adams
Sport is one of the major extra-curricular opportunities available to students at St John’s Grammar School, and all are encouraged to participate.
Most sports are offered from Year 2 and above. Students from R-2 will have the opportunity to sign up for various sports offerings through external providers on site. More information on these offerings will be released closer to Term 1.
Other sporting opportunities throughout the year for students in Years 3 – 6 include Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country.
Please view the Junior School Summer & Winter Sport Schedules 2025 prior to nominating your child for Junior School sports, this document contains information about match and training times.
Prior to completing nomination form, please read the conditions of sport nomination:
Sport Commitment
- Students can nominate up to two sports per season as long as the games don’t clash
- Softball and Netball are for boys and girls
- Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket, Football, Softball, Netball and Soccer will be played in mixed gender competitions
- Nominating for a sport requires an absolute commitment from students and parents to all practices, matches and carnivals in which the team takes part. This commitment involves two complete terms for each sport selected and takes precedence over any other out of school commitment (excluding SAPSASA District, State or National sport commitments)
Team Arrangement
- Once students have nominated, they are unable to change teams or sports unless there are special circumstances approved by the Junior School Sport Coordinator
- Should there be more than one team in any given age group for a sport, teams of equal ability will be arranged
- The Junior School Sport Coordinator may at any time, in consultation with the Head of the Junior School, reconfigure teams should it be deemed necessary
- Teams entered are dependent on sufficient demand and the availability of coaches. Teams that do not have the appropriate support personnel may not be entered into a competition. Please volunteer to help if you are able
- Year 2 students may only select Football, Basketball, Soccer, Netball, Hockey and Kanga Cricket.
- The St John’s PE uniform is the Sport uniform for Kanga Cricket, Tennis, Softball, Volleyball, Hockey and Netball. Students who nominate for cricket (Years 4–6) must purchase whites. PE uniform may be worn for Cricket training, but whites are compulsory for matches
- There is an extra fee to play Basketball, Netball, Soccer and Football to cover singlet, shirt and Guernsey hire
- Sport at St John’s Grammar cannot function without the help of parent volunteers to coach and manage our teams. Please help if you are able to. Coaching roles require previous knowledge/ experience playing or coaching a particular sport. Managing roles do not require any knowledge of a particular sport. The function of a Manager is to communicate with the team, relaying all important information (usually via email or team apps like Heja)
- If you would like to coach a team, manage or assist in any way, please complete the Volunteer Registration Form. Please note that both roles require completion of the volunteer registration form according to the School’s policies.
If you have any questions please contact Charlie Zammit Junior School Sports Coordinator on 8278 2242.