Year 12 SATAC Information Session

Current Year 12 students and their parents are invited to attend our virtual SATAC Information Evening to be guided through the process of applying for university.

This will be held on Monday 5 August at 7:30pm. Please follow the link below to join:

Meeting ID: 899 8523 4462

Passcode: 6pFBmF

In follow-up to the evening, Year 12 students will be given relevant university brochures and a brief summary of the application process, during Home Group time with Ms Castine on Friday 9 August at 8:30am in the Education Centre.

All students are expected to attend this session as it is also when bookings for the university 1:1 sessions are made available and Open Day information that occurs that weekend is reiterated. We encourage you to attend the Open Days to assist with decision-making.

Both the online and at-school student sessions will provide critical information about:

  • Year 12 and the ATAR
  • SATAC, TAFE SA selection
  • Aggregate, ATAR, Adjustment Factors, Selection Rank
  • Application process
  • Key dates
  • Open Days
  • University 1:1 counselling appointments
  • Flinders UniTest

St John’s Grammar will be giving Year 12 students and their families the opportunity to engage individually with each of the 3 major tertiary institutions through 1:1 university student counselling sessions run at school. Students will be able to make 15 minute appointments with representatives from 10am – 8pm on Wednesday 21 August (Week 5) and parents are welcome to attend. You can receive expert advice and discuss any concerns such as recommended back up pathways.

SATAC applications are due at the end of Term 3 to avoid any late fees.

We look forward to working with Year 12 families during this hectic but exciting time, and should you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Virginia Castine

Careers Counsellor