In Week 7 (Monday 27 November – Friday 1 December) of this term, Year 10 and 11 students will sit end-of-semester exams in a number of subjects. Click here to view the examination schedule.
Monday of Week 7 is provided as a study/exam preparation day and can be completed at home.
In the preceding week (Week 6), students will focus on exam preparation in those subjects that stage an exam. A guided and supported revision campaign will be mapped out by class teachers. Classes will run as normal in Week 6 and in those subjects that are not staging an exam, work will continue as per normal.
The exam results will be reported through Canvas on each subject page.
Students may stay home during the exam week and only come to school to do each exam. If students wish to stay at school and study, they need to comply with the sign-in requirements set out below.
Uniform, Venue and Attendance in Exam Week
- All students are to wear the correct school uniform at all times when on the school property. This should be the Formal uniform. PE uniform should only be worn if a student is attending a sport practice or match. They must not wear a combination of school uniform and casual clothes, or alternative footwear, such as recreational shoes. The students will be sent home if they do not meet our uniform expectations.
- When there is no scheduled exam all students are to be either in private study at school in TLC or to be at home completing study. There are to be no students wandering around the school, including waiting for other students. Students who are at school for these private study periods must sign in at Student Services in Pargeter and sign out when they depart.
- TLC is available for these study periods. All students are required to report to TLC during these times. In particular, students staying at school between a morning and afternoon exam are required in the study area of the TLC. Similarly, if there is no alternative but to be at school when there is no exam, the TLC is where they are required to be.
- Students are to be at the examination room at least 10-15 minutes prior to their exam
- Students are not permitted to leave the examination room until the end of the allocated time
- Students may access the canteen outside those study times (but not in the 15 minutes before a break time officially starts).
- If a student misses their exam for reasons such as illness, they must contact their subject teacher on the day to organise an alternative time to sit the exam, if appropriate. If students do not initiate this catch-up time a zero will be recorded as the exam result. All exams (other than Stage 2 Examinations) are experiential and this assessment will be reported on separately, via Canvas.
- If you need to rearrange an alternative time to sit one of your exams, or for any other suitable reason, please have this approved by me.
Examinations are an important part of the learning experience for students. We encourage students to take the experience seriously. These are invaluable experiences for SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2, and any potential further study post school.
Yours sincerely
Carlee Mitchell
Head of Senior School