Dear Families,

Welcome to Term 3. I hope you have enjoyed a relaxing break with your family. We look forward to busy and jam-packed term ahead, with much to look forward to across the Junior School.


Welcome to New Families

I extend a special welcome to our Mid-Year Reception students and their families, as they join our Junior School community. It has been a delight watching this group transition from their ELC4 program throughout last semester with their teacher Cate Davies. This group will also welcome Paige Harrison as their CoEducator, throughout Semester 2. We also welcome 5 new students in Upper Primary.

Junior School Staffing Updates

Welcome to Elisha Reid and Jo Harvey who will teach in RS and Sarah Martelle who will teach in 2RM with Sophie Roxburgh this term, whilst both Fiona Sandercock and Liz Mobbs take well deserved Long Service Leave through Term 3.

Taylah Gabrisch joins our teaching team and will teach as part of teaching our Junior School Wellbeing programs.

We also welcome back Joyanne Gardener to 6GC and as Coordinator of Literacy and innovation and Julianne Petrus as Co-Educator across our Reception classes, who both return from Long Service Leave throughout Term 2.

As previously communicated, Sarah Hillard will take on some additional leadership duties this term, as part of covering our currently advertised Deputy Head of Junior School role.

Junior School Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Junior School curriculum term overviews for each year level will be communicated to families this week. These provide insight into the key focus areas for developing student agency, wellbeing and teaching and learning throughout Term 3. They also highlight the signature programs and local connections that take a focus for each year level this term.

Timetables will be communicated via Seesaw and Canvas this week. Continuous reporting updates and feedback will also be communicated using these platforms at regular intervals, throughout Term 3.

Term 3 Parent Engagement Sessions

On Wednesday 4 September from 7 – 8.30pm we are excited to host Mark Le Messurier in the School, as a part of our Term 3 Community Engagement sessions, in response to parent feedback about navigating technology and devices with young children.

On Tuesday 13 August at 6pm in the Junior School C4C building, we will be joined by Occupational Therapists from Bud Therapies and Speech Pathologists from Roar. We are thrilled to have them share their expertise about transitioning to school and ways you can support your child and your family through this significant milestone of starting school.

Further information on how to register your attendance will be available to families shortly.

Junior School House Sing

A new initiative this term, includes a Junior School House Sing competition, as an extension of our house events. This will be led by our student Performing Arts Leaders, House Captains and staff. Each house team will rehearse and perform a chosen song to a panel of judges in Week 10. This will take place on Wednesday 25 September at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend. Other Junior School Assemblies take place from 2:20pm each Wednesday afternoon, and parents are always welcome.

Junior School Book Week

Book Week will take place in Week 5 of this term, and events planned for this week will be communicated shortly.  The Dress Up Day and Parade will be held on Friday 23 August. This year’s national theme is Reading is Magic.

Grandparents Days

Junior School Grandparent and Special Friend Days have been scheduled throughout Term 3. Please save the following dates and times, with RSVP details to come shortly:

  • Mid-Year Reception and Reception: Friday 13 September, 9:45am – 11:00am
  • Years 1 and 2: Wednesday 28 August, 9:45am – 11:00am
  • Years 3 and 4: Tuesday 17 September, 9:45am – 11:00am
  • Year 5: Thursday 12 September, 9:45 – 11:00am
  • Year 6: Friday 20 September, 1:45pm – 3:00pm

On arrival, visitors will be welcomed to the Junior School Hall and each event will conclude with morning or afternoon tea.  We look forward to sharing this special event with our community. A poster and personalised invitation for Grandparents and Special Friends are in progress and will be sent to families.

Junior School Play and Cocurricular

The Upper Primary Play Pod in the undercroft area is now open for student use during play times. Lunchtime clubs for our students will be communicated this week, in addition to the Junior School Co-Curricular opportunities.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to further discuss your child’s learning journey, wellbeing or access to our Co-Curricular Program.

With kind regards

Kate Barber

Head of Junior School