Calling all budding Scientists!

Registrations are now open for the 2024 Oliphant Science Awards.

If your child has a passion for science or a burning question about the world around them, then creating a project for the OSA could be a fun and exciting way to deepen their interest.

There are a number of categories and topics that students can enter:

Poster or Photography is perfect for anyone interested in design, art and getting out in nature.

Science Inquiry or Models and Inventions is ideal for students who are keen on problem solving, experiments or small building projects.

Science Writing, Multimedia or Games will engage those who enjoy reading, researching and communicating their ideas to others.

Please visit the Gallery Wall (visible from the deck outside) in the Centre for Creativity or the notice boards by the netball court for more detailed information about each category, key dates and steps to take.

Registration Forms are available from the Junior School Front Office or from the Science Lab. Once completed, these need to be handed in by Friday 17 May, Term 2 Week 3 to the Front Office or Science Lab along with the entry fee. An Individual entry fee is $13 and a Group entry fee is $19, which can be split amongst the group.

Students have up until the end of Term 2 to complete their project at home. Support is available each week in Science Club with Mrs Stacey (Lunchtime Thursdays) and at a Student Support Session run towards the end of Term 2. Parents are welcome to come along to this session in the Science lab with their children and their OSA projects to get some guidance, assistance, or to have time to work on the project together.

If you have any questions, please visit the Oliphant Science Awards Website: or email Brea Stacey, Specialist Science Teacher: